why does a corpse float on water but still weighs heavy on land?

I have this question suddenly raised in my mind. Its known fact that weight of an object, be it human or any non living object depends on the gravitation pull. The more is the gravitational pull, the more is the weight of that particular object. Some objects sink and some objects float in water. So a non living object which sinks does not float ever. But, how a living object ( like humans, animals) starts floating once they loose their life. Because they do weigh in land even after dying. You still use the help of 4 people to carry a human corpse. Having said that, an object that still weighs on land which, actually means the gravitational pull is still valid, how does it float in water ? May be its a stupid question, but to the best of my knowledge I couldn't decipher.

Let me know if anyone has an answer ! I shall try to come up with an answer soon, if otherwise.

Posted byPraveen J at 9:05 PM  


Rishit Jain said... 10:31 AM  

There are 2 factors that contribute to the floating of a dead human body in water. The first is the buoyancy force of the water that acts counter to the gravitational force. The second is the air present in the dead human body, that makes its overall density lesser than water, enabling it to float.

Praveen J said... 2:51 PM  

yeaaaaaaah...gotcha Rishit...thanks dude

Praveen J said... 9:55 PM  

Hey thank you Venky. I did go thru ur blog too. But didnt leave any comments. Shall do it.

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