kick off sedentary and welcome dynamic - entertainment!!!

The kind of entertainment one engages oneself with, plays a huge role in shaping ones thinking and ability. The role of entertainment and other activities that one does outside of one’s academic pursuit could not be discounted. Having said that, the main entertainment most of India engages are movies and television. That explains why Indian movie industry makes more movies than anywhere else and how television channels are able to sustain the eyeballs higher than anywhere else in the world. As a growing up kid, I was also brought up engaging my free time with ever senti tele serials, movies with the only theme that we can think of, “Love”. Although these content are welcome and needs some amount of creativity to sustain the eye balls and engage the grey cells, but what we actually have is a dearth of other kind of entertainment. I can’t stop but compare the content here in German television with that of India TV channels. In main television channel like Prosieben in Germany we see satirical comedy, new technological developments, scientific tidbits, who is germany’s next top model, of course movies and more. Look at the variety in the content. A kid who grows up following scientific tidbits may get interested in that and may actually realize his/her real calling and a girl who looks at who is Germany’s next top model may actually get into modeling or fashion technology. Even here in a country where television is not the main entertainment and they have more dynamic entertainment like dance, fitness center’s, summer sports, winter sports, tennis, football, racing, cycling apart from the usual skin show stuff, they expose people to various possibilities and development opportunities the world offers. To put it short, the content makes people think and may even change their career path. But, why in India where television and movies plays a huge role in influencing the societal trends aren’t having enough dynamic content that could actually influence people in a better way by exposing to various possibilities. More than anywhere else, television should play a responsible role as they got more influence in India more than any westernized nation. If we have to think of any content outside of usual Love theme and family sentiments that we see in Indian movies and soap operas we invariably borrow the others from the successful programs abroad like KBC and Indianize them. Where is all our creativity? Where are all our creative thinkers and informed scholars? Don’t tell me about dedicated channels for sports like ESPN or other good content channels like Discovery. For one they don’t cater to the masses because the they are not played in vernacular languages and the next thing being that most Indian homes doesn’t have more than one television screen at home and have to be shared by the whole family. So the dynamic kind of content should be inserted into channels that most of the family agrees with. May be my mom would not agree with Discovery or ESPN, but may be with Sun TV our whole family might agree. So inserting dynamic and variety content in the main stream channel like Sun TV in tamilnadu can ultimately benefit people and influence society positively. So, my point is this. The main stream television channels, mainly in vernacular languages, should bring in content that may influence the society positively and break the sedentary entertainment tradition and show the kick of dynamically entertaining oneself.

Do you agree?

Posted byPraveen J at 9:20 AM  


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