Every day, an arduous journey BUT truth remains the same !

I wake up every day hoping for the best, striving for the better and working till it lasts. So are many humans in this world, and not a single day passes with all the un called and un expected times that one come across. Over the years, everything changes, the kind of times have changed. You are more worried about your emails being hacked than your snail mails being missed out and you think of your flights being missed out not anymore of making it to the correct time for the unpredicatable train. As time changes, many things changed but neverthless, the truth and the response for your un predictable and un expected times have always been the same. You work harder, think further and strive better as always and life just moves on, only leaving the hopes behind and letting you taste the bitterness of reality. Life makes even this bitterness sometimes sweet, thats how you even enjoy times, sometimes. Everyday life proves an arduous journey and today's life doesn't spare anyone and atleast in it, it is truly secular. Nothing is fool proof and nothing is ultimately secure, air or land or sea and you the better individual or the worst individual - life treats you the same. You have the same risk irrespective of your status, quality and ability. Atleast its being im-partial. This all makes me wonder, what God has in mind. HE, has a reason and there is an ultimate truth that there is a HE who decides who and when ?

So, life is an everyday journey, take one at a time and thank god till it lasts. As some miner said, when he is about to die when trapped while mining in West Virigia !!!

It wasn't hard, Just went to sleep !!! I Love You !

I am just going to cherish, till I sleep !


Posted byPraveen J at 5:53 PM 0 comments  

Attitude on an external factor ?

Does attitude depends on something external and its not imbibed internally ? and can attitude be learnt and forgotten on will ? or attitude is something in born in you ?

The answers for these questions lie within. Attitude is how you take things that come your way and Character is how you react to those things. Attitude is how you perceive and character is how you answer. So the perception for the challenge posed lets you answer by your character. So how does attitude gets shaped. Attitude is something that's being tamed and polished by your upbringing. The environment one was brought up in, the friends one makes up in the years of formation plays a huge role in shaping one's attitude. But attitude is not completely unchangeable. The years of formation are important but not the only deciding factor in one's attitude. The most important point is to realize what he really is and by sincere efforts and perseverance one can change his attitude by forcing himself to see both side of things. Basically in an argument, most of the times both sides are right and it's just the way one sees it makes the difference. For example you see a person in the front and say, hey he has a nose , two brown eyes and a one shitty mouth and some other person sees at his back and say, he just has some kinda black hair , a neck and a.., ya you're rite, a BACK. So both of you see the same person but the only difference is you see the different sides and most times the argument is he is not the same person as the other person sees. But the truth is, both are same and its just the way you perceive is different. So coming to our point of Attitude and perception and changing attitude on will. One should understand or have the ability to understand all sides of the argument and come to the most plausible conclusion. So for a better or the right attitude one should first develop the ability to see all sides of the issue and if one has it, then he can change his attitude on will and most of all have the right attitude.

As someone said, The Best way to handle a problem is to solve it.


Posted byPraveen J at 8:21 AM 0 comments